ดาวน์โหลดไฟล์บทความรูปเล่ม Proceedings

The 6<sup>th</sup> National and International Research Conference 2023 : NIRC VI 2023


Public Relations Poster

Important Dates

# Activity Duration
1 Publication of the Project 5 November 2022- 14 February 2023
2 Submission of full paper and registration payment 10 November 2022- 25 January 2023
3 Announcement for full paper acceptance 31 January 2023
4 Submission of full paper suggested by peer reviewers 30 January 2022
5 Submission of PowerPoint file (both oral and poster presentation) 10 February 2023
6 Participants’ Registration 10 November 2022- 4 February 2023
7 Conference date 15 February 2023
8 Submission of full paper for publication 20 February 2023
9 Publication of full paper research works in Online Proceedings 20 March 2023
N.B. : *Articles conducted by postgraduate students must be allowed by their advisors, and the advisors’ names must also be included in the articles.
            **The articles which are approved by peer reviewers will be published in proceedings, and can be accessed in Google Scholar.

Contact us

Further Information
Contact for further information at: http://nirc.bru.ac.th
facebook: The Graduate School Buriram University
Office of Graduate School: (66)4461-1221 ext. 7401, 7402
Mobile : 086 - 468 1656
Fax: (66)44 612858
E-mail: nircbru@bru.ac.th
Assistant Professor Dr. Thiti Panya-in
Mobile : 088-377-5826
Assistant Professor Dr. Niyom Arnmile
Mobile : 099-716-0375
Dr. Chaloemkit Kengkaew
Mobile : 084-167-5908
Assistant Professor Dr. Sarawut Kaewsri
Mobile : 061-031-8203
Ajarn Pallapa Lertcharoenwanich
Mobile : 082-446-9547
Assistant Professor Dr.Pruchaya Chumwangwapee
Mobile : 088-563-5656
Ms.Napawan Janpanit
Mobile : 093-106-9947
Mrs. Prakai Siriramran
Mobile : 089-482-4362
Miss Kanokwan Kamwan
Mobile : 089-584-5949

Registration & Payment Information

1. International Conference
  • 3,500 Baht for both Thai and foreign presenters

2. National Conference
  • 2,500 Baht for all research work presenters

                 For the article conducted by many authors, only one author is allowed to make a registration. In case of being absent for presenting or not being allowed to present the research works, the applicants cannot get refund as the fee is paid for the peer reviewers. The participants who are government officials may be eligible to get allowance from their organizations.

Methods for Registration Payments

1. Pay by cash
Pay by cash with the application form at Office of Graduate School, (8th floor, Building 15) Buriram Rajabhat University 439 Jira Road, Muang District, Buriram Province, 31000

2. Electronic Bank Transfer
Buriram Rajabhat University Bank Account
Account Name: Buriram Rajabhat University, the 6th National and International Research Conference 2023 (Saving)
Bank: Bangkok Bank (THAILAND)
Account Number: 677-0-26847-9
Swift Code: BKKBTHBK
Address: Bangkok Bank, Branch: Buriram Rajabhat University, 439 Jira Road, Muang District, Buriram Province, 31000

  Remark: Please upload the transferring receipt when you make a registration on the conference website or send a copy of transferring receipt to Email : nircbru@bru.ac.th after money has been transferred


                        Applicants who want to present their research works can apply at https://nirc.bru.ac.th

Announcement of Selected Presenters

                        The selected presenters will be acknowledged on 31st January 2023. The presenters must correct articles according to the peer reviewers’ suggestions, then submit the correct full paper to proceedings editorial staff within 30th January 2023.
                        Remark: The correct full paper will be published in online proceedings on 20 March 2023, and it can be accessed from Google Scholar. The researcher must present the paper by him/herself in line with following the schedule. The published research works can be partial fulfillment of education according to the announcement of Office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation.

Selection of Research Works

                        The appointed committee of Buriram Rajabhat University reserves the right to follow the university announcement relevant to the criteria for selecting research and academic articles presented in the 6th National and International Research Conference 2023, and the university order on the appointment of Proceedings Editorial Board. The following are the committee’s consideration:
                        1. Selection of groups and type of presentation;
                        2. Selection of research works published in proceedings;
                        3. Disqualification of paper presentation is as in the following cases:
                                     3.1 Abstract, research article and posters which do not comply with the required format and peer reviewers’ suggestions;
                                     3.2 The delaying registration and payment and/or incomplete registration and payment; and
                        4. The committee’s consideration is considered final.

Fields of Study


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science and Technology

Health Science

Business Administration

Area-based Research



                         The presented papers will be published in the online proceedings

Guidelines of paper writing

Keynote Speaker

Prof.Dr. M.Ilhan Cagirgan
Akdeniz University, Turkey
"Thai King’s Sufficiency Economy: Community-University Engagement towards SDGs"

Featured Speaker

Prof.Dr. Ni Ni Hlaing
Mandalay University of Distance Education (MUDE), Myanmar
"Integrrating Global Issues in the Creative English Language Classrome"

Prof.Dr. R.Michael Smith
Niagara University, New York, U.S.A.
"Accelerating Education for the SDGs in a University: Why and How?"

Prof.Dr. Tariq Elyas
King Abdulaziz University-KAU (Saudi Arabia)
"Learning English in the Digital World of the 21st Century"

Prof.Dr. Saw Pyone Naing
Rector of Sagaing University of Education
"Implementing the environment dimension for Sustainable Development"

Prof.Dr. Irom Gambhir Singh
Manipur University, India
"Roles of Language in Achieving the World’s Sustainable Development Goals"

Prof.Dr. Ömür Baysal
Muğla Sıtkı Kocman University, Turkey
"Roles of Transformation in Biology Science and Education for Supporting Sustainable Development Goals"

David D. Perrodin
Mahidol University, Thailand
"A Word to the Wise: Managing Your Mental Health as an Adult Student in the New Normal"

Tentative Conference Program

Date/Time Activities/Venue
15 February 2023
08.00 a.m. – 09.00 a.m. Registration
in front of Witcha Attasart Meeting Hall
09.00 a.m. – 09.30 a.m. Opening ceremony conducted by
Mr. Chaiwat Chuntirapong Governor of Buriram Province
Reported speech conducted by
Assoc.Prof. Malinee Chutopama, President of Buriram Rajabhat University
09.30 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. Keynote address entitled, “The King’s Philosophy for Innovation and Creative Economy towards Sustainable Development Goals in the New Normal Era: Opportunities and Challenges” by
Adjunct Professor Dr. Anek Laothamatas Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
10.15 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Keynote address entitled, “Thai King's Sufficiency Economy: Community-University Engagement towards SDGs” by
Professor Dr. M. Ilhan Cagirgan, Akdeniz University, Turkey
11.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. Opening ceremony for poster presentation at Witcha Attasart Meeting Hall by
Assoc. Prof. Malinee Chutopama, President of Buriram Rajabhat University
12.00 p.m. – 01.00 p.m.
01.30 p.m. – 05.00 p.m. National / international poster presentation
at Witcha Attasart Meeting Hall
and national/ international oral presentations
at Building 15
NB.: The schedule is subject to change as appropriate.



                Buriram Rajabhat University (BRU), a higher education institute for developing the local area, has got missions to produce graduates, to manage education quality in accordance with academic and professional standard, and to build knowledge from research works, innovation and creative works to develop the local area for 50 years. From this year onwards, BRU, categorized in the third group as an area-based and community university, is ready to allocate budget to support the re-inventing university projects, and also prepares to be ranked by the Times Higher Education (THE) as a university promoting the sustainable development goals. To achieve the aforementioned missions, BRU holds the 6th National and International Research Conference 2023: NIRC VI 2023 on 15 February 2023 at Buriram Rajabhat University, Muang District, Buriram Province, Thailand. The conference theme is on “The King’s Philosophy for Innovation and Creative Economy towards Sustainable Development Goals in the New Normal Era: Opportunities and Challenges." This conference gives an opportunity to organizations, researchers, scholars and those who are interested both from Thailand and foreign countries to present their research works, and to share creative works and innovations. In addition, they will have the opportunity to join the academic seminars, share opinions, publicize the research works as well as exchange experience.
                The conference objectives are as follows:
                        1. To give an opportunity to lecturers, researchers, students of Rajabhat Universities and other educational institutes both in Thailand and foreign countries by presenting their quality research works and sharing experiences relevant to sustainable development;
                        2. To publicize the research works, creative and innovative works of lecturers, personnel, students and researchers of Rajabhat Universities and other educational institutes both from Thailand and foreign countries;
                        3. To promote learning activities through the development of quality and standard research works, creative and innovative works of lecturers, personnel, students and researchers of Rajabhat Universities and other educational institutes both from Thailand and foreign countries in order to utilize these works for sustainable and prosperous development of the local area, community, society and nation;
                        4. To connect the quality research works of Thailand and foreign countries to the target users on the aspects of academic, policy, social issues and community both from Thailand and foreign countries.
                Date and Venue
                        The conference is held on 15th February 2023 at Buriram Rajabhat University, Muang District, Buriram Province.
                        Opening ceremony, Keynote address, and Featured speech are conducted at Witcha Attasat Meeting Hall.
                Expected Outcomes
                        1. There are at least 150 lecturers, researchers, students and those who are interested join the conference. There will be at least 80 national research papers and 30 international research papers. The participants will gain knowledge utilized in developing research, academic works and life quality. Also, there will be cooperation among Rajabhat Universities and Educational networks both in Thailand and foreign countries.
                        2. The research works, creative and innovative products can be utilized to develop the country.
                        3. The quality research works can be publicized in online proceedings.
                Project Evaluation
                        1. Evaluated from the amount of research work presenters, the selected articles, and participants
                        2. Use satisfactory questionnaires (Google form) from participants
                Reporting the Results of the Project
                        1. Dean of Graduate School reports the results of the project to the Board of Graduate School, the Board of Graduate Studies, the Board of University Administrators, and BRU Academic Council.
                        2. The president or representative reports the results of the project to BRU Council.
                        3. Dean of Graduate School reports the results of the project to all institutes that join the conference.
                Conference Organizers
                        Graduate School, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, Office of International Relation Affairs, and Institute of Research and Development of Buriram Rajabhat University.

Promoting Organizations

                        The co-hosts of the conference are as follows: Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC), Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand (KNIT), Council of the Graduate Studies Administrators of Thailand (CGAT), Council of Deans of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rajabhat University, Guidance Association of Thailand, and Association of Professional Development of Educational Administration of Thailand (APDEAT). The foreign institutes signed MOU with Buriram Rajabhat University are also the conference co-hosts as follows:
                                        1. Niagara University, U.S.A.
                                        2. Manipur University, India
                                        3. Institute of Advanced Studies in English, India
                                        4. Akdeniz University, Turkey
                                        5. Changzhou University, China
                                        6. Beijing Silkroad Xinyu Cultural Exchange Center, China
                                        7. National Pingtung University(NPTU), Taiwan
                                        8. University of Northern Philippines, the Philippines
                                        9. Philippine State College of Aeronautics, the Philippines
                                        10. Hue University College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam
                                        11. Pattimura University, Indonesia
                                        12. Mandalay University of Distance Education (MUDE), Myanmar
                                        13. University of Myitkyina, Myanmar
                                        14. University of Pakokku, Myanmar
                                        15. University of Mawlamyine, Myanmar
                                        16. University of Maubin, Myanmar
                                        17. Savannkhet Teacher Training College (STTC), Lao PDR
                                        18. Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
                                        19. Middle Tennessee State University, USA
                                        20. Istanbul University, Turkey

Attractions in Buriram Province.